Goals and Stories

Victoria’s Story

Hi Pacific Northwest Marathon! My name is Victoria and all three of my siblings are diabetic. In 2010 I was in New Orleans building houses

Eliza’s Story

My first true fascination with running happened a long time ago at the young age of 11. I remember running the mile dash in my

Jenni’s Story

My big love for running began when I was going to school in Hawaii. I took a general fitness education class that required us do

Lizzy’s Story: Get Up and Go

My mother made me participate in some kind of sport every school year. At first, I wasn’t too happy about this. I had chosen Track

Natalie’s Story

I’d like to share my fitness story in hopes it might help or inspire someone else. I always considered myself healthy, but I was never

David’s Story

I am passionate about running. I have been since I was small, being the fastest (or second fastest) runner in my class all through elementary


2023 Photos and results are in!

Race-day related updates will be posted here.