It’s Your Journey

Volunteer at the Pacific Northwest Marathon

Help Others Achieve Their Goals

Sign Up for One of Our Race Day Volunteer Teams

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Packet Crew

Friday 12:00pm-3:00pm, Saturday 5:30am-7:00am
This is the first in-person contact for runners as they prepare to run our Marathon. Greet participants with smiles and their race packet, answering questions/providing race information.

Start Lines

5:30am-7:30am and 9:00am-10:00am
A team of 6 people responsible for crowd control, answering questions, running errands for our timer, receiving bags of clothing from runners/walkers, labeling those bags, and cleaning up the site as soon as the race starts. The timers and finish line coordinator will be responsible for these volunteer teams. We prefer to have some more seasoned adults on these teams, but youth are welcome as well.

Course Management

5:30am-ending times depend on the position along the course
A very large team of 45 course marshals is needed. You will wear safety vests and stand at key intersections, directing runners/walkers. You will also be responsible to watch for hazardous conditions and warn our runners/walkers. In some cases, course marshals will warn drivers that there are runners on the road. The course will be well marked, but we will also depend on you to help keep our runners/walkers safe and on the correct course! Some positions will have chairs for resting while runners are not in your zone. The Course Manager is responsible for you, and all marshals will report to him on race day. The race director will conduct a marshal training prior to race day. Age minimum is 18 years.

Aid Stations

5:30am-ending times depend on the position along the course
Each of our 18 aid stations will need 2 friendly staff to fill water and encourage runners/walkers. You will also help keep the place clean by keeping track of cups and wrappers that miss the garbage receptacles. The Aid Station Leader will be responsible for training you and helping you find your location.

Finish Line

A team of 12 volunteers is needed to staff the finish line. You will be standing at the finish, catching runners who might fall over, giving them medals, water, and food, running errands for our timer and our Director. Our Finish Line Coordinator will be responsible for that team.

Course Clean Up

This is one of the more exciting opportunities. This is a small, efficient group of able bodied individuals who follow behind the last walkers in a truck and ensure that we leave the paths and roads looking better than we found them. You will meet out on the course, start at the turn around point, and drive along at a set pace, gathering traffic cones, signs, aid station garbage receptacles, and stray items dropped by runners.


2023 Photos and results are in!

Race-day related updates will be posted here.