It’s Your Journey

Half Marathon Aid Stations

6 Aid Stations with the Following Refreshment

1- Mile 2, Johnson’s Farm: Water
2- Mile 2.7, Armitage Passage: Water, Gatorade, V8 Fruit Fusion, Bananas
3- Mile 3.9, County Farm Rd: Water
4- Mile 4.7, Wester and Downing: Water, Gatorade, V8 Fruit Fusion, Bananas, Honey Stinger Gels
5- Mile 5.1, Walton Lane: Water
6- Mile 6.55, Meadow View: Water, Gatorade, V8 Fruit Fusion, Bananas, Honey Stinger Gels
Note that you will pass each station twice, once on the way out, and once on the way back.


2023 Photos and results are in!

Race-day related updates will be posted here.